Italian brand meets danish design


We have combined a high quality sitting ball with an exclusive, danish designed, and hand-made cover. We present a stylish piece of furniture, that will promote physical activity and strengthening of core muscles while sitting.

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Made to Order

Premium products

Danish Design

Manufactured locally

Italian balls

We work with the Italian brand Tonkey by Ledragomma. A Company founded in 1950. They invented balls for therapy and rehabilitation and hold the Medicine devices certificate. As EU manufacturer they must comply with strict material and production rules. 

These balls are termed Maxafe® as they are obtained with the exclusive Flexton Silpower® material. This means that small cuts will cause the ball to deflate slowly, providing a safety factor for the user. Also, small holes can be fixed with a Fixa-kit. 

The ball is firm, tested to a weight of 400 kg (880 lbs) and it will stay in shape even after prolonged use.

Danish design

Our covers are designed and manufactured in Denmark by local seamstresses. This way we have a close collaboration, huge flexibility, and support our local society. By keeping the production nearby we can always assure that our covers meet our high standards of quality. 

The covers are made of premium quality furniture fabric with a soft feel. With a cover on your Sitsolution Maxafe®, you will experience more comfort as you are not sitting directly on the plastic material. The cover also protects the ball and diminish the risk of punctures.

As a bonus, the ball will be a nice looking piece of danish designed furniture suitable for any office or home.



An ordinary chair, most people tend to crumble with the spine forming a C. This is unfortunate for the body as it puts unnecessary pressure on the spinal discs. A strong back with the right posture naturally has a double S shape.

The ball helps promote and maintain the natural double S shape. It allows sitting more active with the possibility of distinct movement. The muscle movement improves blood circulation and provides increased nutrient supply to the tissues. 

With a sitting ball, the sitting is no longer static, but a dynamic and active activity that will help stabilize, and strengthen core muscles and improve balance.

Siddebold is the danish word for sitting ball

When you choose a sitting ball from Siddebold you do not compromise quality or design. Your Siddebold will last for years and will benefit both your body and your brain. Choosing a sitting ball as your office chair might seem a bit dandy, but you will get your reward.

As we say: 

Be Bold – Sit bold – Choose a Siddebold

Active sitting is beneficial for both your body and your brain

Sitting on a ball have many beneficial effects on your body and your mind.

  • Posture

Active sitting helps to improve correct posture which reduces the risk of neck and back pain. Sitting on a ball will keep the spine its natural S shape, and reduce pressure on the spinal disks. 

  • Strenght

Sitting on a ball activates small muscles around the core and helps to build up strength. A strong core results in a lower risk of getting back pain and it will be easier to keep the right posture when standing, walking, and sitting. 

  • Efficiency

Being able to move while “siting still” makes the blood run faster and provide more energy to the brain. This will increase the ability to stay focused and concentrate for a longer period of time.

  • Health

Physical activity on a regular basis helps to keep a healthy and strong body. When sitting actively the core muscles are activated and the balance improved. The ball is also ideal for small breaks with exercises that raise the pulse.

A Siddebold For everyone


A Siddebold is beneficial for all ages and stages.

The ball offers an alternative to a regular chair and is suitable for any office. Using the ball will strengthen your back and abdominal muscles and result in better blood flow throughout the body. 

For kids and students, a ball can bring more physical activity into everyday life.  Being active pumps fresh blood to the brain and thereby improve concentration and learning.

Babies will also benefit from a Siddebold. Tummy time on the ball with adult support will strengthen their neck and train their balance. When up for walking, letting them use the ball will quickly contribute to a stronger core and better balance.

During pregnancy and birth, a Siddebold can also be very beneficial. Also bouncing up and down with your newborn can have a great comforting effect.

Choose Your Product

the style collection

SitSolution Maxafe 
Dark blue cover 

SitSolution Maxafe 
Light grey cover 

BalanceBall Maxafe 
Black cover 

BalanceBall Maxafe 
Grey cover 

The zoo collection

SitSolution Maxafe
Clever Owl

SitSolution Maxafe
Cool Penguin

BalanceBall Maxafe
Cute Bear

BalanceBall Maxafe
Funny Rabbit

Quality takes time


All our covers are hand-made and the production starts as soon as you have made your decision. We keep the production nearby to ensure the best possible quality and to support our local community in Elsinore, Denmark. 

We consider the environment and have chosen a more sustainable way of shipping. This will prolonge the delivery a bit, but keep the shipping fees at a low cost. 

The estimated delivery time at the moment is 4-6 weeks. But don’t worry, we will send you frequent updates on YOUR unique order along the way.

Find your size

The size of ball depends on your body height. 

When used as a sitting ball, the ball must be pretty firm. Sit with the feet flat on the ground and make sure the knees are slightly lower than the hips.

SitSolution Maxafe 


45 cm

Body height: up to 140 cm (4’1″)


55 cm

Body height: 140-155 cm (4’1″-5’1″)


65 cm

Body height: 155-175 cm (5’1″-5’9″)


70 cm

Body height: above 175 cm (5’9″)

BalanceBall Maxafe


42 cm

Body height: up to 140 cm (4’1″)


53 cm

Body height: 140-155 cm (4’1″-5’1″)


65 cm

Body height: 155-175 cm (5’1″-5’9″)


75 cm

Body height: above 175 cm (5’9″)

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About Us


Siddebold is a small, family-owned business located in Elsinore, Denmark.

It was founded back in 2001 by Nurse and Mensendieck teacher Anette and her husband Lars. The idea of using a ball instead of a normal chair came since Anette did not like the way her two teenage sons were sitting in front of a computer. With their spines like a C, playing many hours a day. She knew that this position would most likely cause back problems later in their lives. The ball offered an alternative, with the spine in a natural S shape and helped the sons to a much better posture and healthy back.

Today, Siddebold has evolved into a family company. The sons are no longer teenagers. Rasmus holds a Ph.D. in computer vision. His wife Louise, holds a Master in cell biology. Mathias is a Physiotherapist. Together we are a strong team ready to help this and future generations to a better everyday life.


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