A ball is beneficial for everyone at home

Sitting balls for everyone

The sitting ball can be used by everyone at home for multiple purposes. Sit on it, exercise with it, play with it. It is a perfect tool for improves physical activity at home for children and adults of all ages.  

Strengthen the body, improves motor skills and balance


Sitting, playing and exercising on a ball improves balance


Sitting actively strengthen the core muscles and helps to keep the right posture


Being able to move while “sitting still” improves focus and concentration

One ball, multiple uses

A ball at home can be used for almost anything by everyone. Infants and babies can, supported by parents, have tummy time on the ball which will strengthen the muscles and improve motor skills.

Sitting and bouncing on a ball through pregnancy can relieve some pregnancy discomfort as well as strengthening the core muscles, as good preparation for birth. Sitting on the ball bouncing with a newborn in the arms will help them calm down.

A ball is a perfect tool for home exercise. Also use it in front of the TV, tablet, or computer, maybe even at the dining table? Active sitting helps you stay energized.

Animals for the kids and stylish furniture for you


Make your ball a nice piece of furniture that matches your decor at home to make sure it will become a part of your daily routine.

Our cute and funny animals will be a nice thing for the kid’s room and will encourage lots of play and activity.

Our plain covers will match any living room and will encourage active sitting and exercise. 


Being able to move while “siting still” makes the blood run faster and provide more energy to the brain. This will increase the ability to stay focused and concentrate for a longer period of time.


Physical activity on a regular basis helps to keep a healthy and strong body. When sitting actively the core muscles are activated and the balance improve. The ball is also ideal for small breaks with exercises that raises the pulse.  


Active sitting benefits both the body and the brain and helps maintain a good posture. Increased focus and concentration leads to more efficiency and more succes. This all lead to a better mental and physical well-being.

What we offer

Zoo Collection

Clever Owl

Sweet Rabbit

Cheeky Penguin

Funny Parrot

Style Collection




Light Grey

Premium Quality

The Siddebold sitting ball is manufactured in Italy under very strict quality restrictions which ensure a secure ball with no risk of bursting. All covers are designed and manufactured at high standards in Denmark by local seamstresses. 


Siddebold was founded in 2001 and has since then distributed many sitting balls to happy customers across Denmark. We serve both offices, schools, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and private homes. 



If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions on either balls or covers, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@gfl.mlq.mybluehost.me or send us a message on facebook.

Find your size

The size of ball depends on your body height. 

When used as a sitting ball, the ball must be pretty firm. Sit with the feet flat on the ground and make sure the knees are slightly lower than the hips.

SitSolution Maxafe 


45 cm

Body height: up to 140 cm (4’1″)


55 cm

Body height: 140-155 cm (4’1″-5’1″)


65 cm

Body height: 155-175 cm (5’1″-5’9″)


70 cm

Body height: above 175 cm (5’9″)

BalanceBall Maxafe


42 cm

Body height: up to 140 cm (4’1″)


53 cm

Body height: 140-155 cm (4’1″-5’1″)


65 cm

Body height: 155-175 cm (5’1″-5’9″)


75 cm

Body height: above 175 cm (5’9″)

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