Ergonomic Furniture for the Office

A Sore Back is a Common Disease

Our Sitting Balls Do Something About It

Back pain is a common disease affecting a large part of the population. This has a natural cause since too many people spend the day sitting on a chair in the same position without moving their bodies. The notable number of back issues are, in short, a result of our ‘modern’ lifestyle, where we sit too much and too long – in school, at work and even in leisure time. The lack of movement leads to a lack of muscle training and ends up becoming a serious risk factor for our spinal health.

Improve your body and your mind


Active sitting helps to improve posture which reduces the risk of neck and back pain


Sitting on a ball, activates small muscles around the core and helps to build up strength.


Being active while you sit improves concentration and the ability to stay focused.

Why Choosing a Sitting Ball is Good for You

Our Sitting Balls have grown out of a need for a healthy and back-friendly alternative to the traditional chair. Unlike a chair, the ball is active and rebounding, which stimulates the deep back and abdominal muscles and increases blood circulation. When you sit on the ball, you can not avoid forcing the dorsal muscles to work. It strengthens your back muscles and improves your balance. In other words, our ball reduces your risk of having back problems in the future.

Protect your back and avoid back pain problems


Up to 80% of the population is suffering from recurrent back pain. In only a single generation many of us have changed from an active workday, to use most of the day at work sitting. Our body is simply not made for this. We are made to walk, run and sleep.


By understanding a little about what causes back pain and learn what you can do to prevent it, you will be able to take control and make the first steps towards a life without back pain problems.


Being able to move while “siting still” makes the blood run faster and provide more energy to the brain. This will increase the ability to stay focused and concentrate for a longer period of time.


Physical activity on a regular basis helps to keep a healthy and strong body. When sitting actively the core muscles are activated and the balance improve. The ball is also ideal for small breaks with exercises that raises the pulse.  


Active sitting benefits both the body and the brain and helps maintain a good posture. Increased focus and concentration leads to more efficiency and more succes. This all lead to a better mental and physical well-being.

What we offer

SitSolution Maxafe®

Style Collection

Dark Blue



Light Grey

Premium Quality

The Siddebold sitting ball is manufactured in Italy under very strict quality restrictions which ensure a secure ball with no risk of bursting. All covers are designed and manufactured at high standards in Denmark by local seamstresses. 


Siddebold was founded in 2001 and has since then distributed many sitting balls to happy customers across Denmark. We serve both offices, schools, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and private homes. 



If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions on either balls or covers, please do not hesitate to contact us at or send us a message on facebook.

Find your size

SitSolution Maxafe 

The size of ball depends on your body height. 

When used as a sitting ball, the ball must be pretty firm. Sit with the feet flat on the ground and make sure the knees are slightly lower than the hips.


55 cm

Body height: 140-155 cm (4’1″-5’1″)


65 cm

Body height: 155-175 cm (5’1″-5’9″)


70 cm

Body height: above 175 cm (5’9″)

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