The sitting ball can be used by children of all ages. Several studies indicate that children feel happier when sitting on a ball. They experience more rest, and at the same time, they strengthen their motor skills.

The ball is suitable for children in school as their concentration skills improve by sitting actively. This will also result in more rest and less disturbance during class. In many schools with traditional seating solutions, children are required to sit still, but this is not in their normal behavior. This way of sitting often leads to unrest and many disturbances like the urge to go to the toilet just to get up and moving. With the possibility of sitting on a ball during class, the children can move more freely, jump a little, or sit more unconventionally. It increases balance, improves motor skills, and blood circulation.

The balls are especially recommended for children with a diagnosis such as. ADHD and autism because they can use their bodies actively while sitting down. American studies have shown that children solve more tasks when using seating balls. Read more about the topic here.

The goal can also be to incorporate more movement during the school day. The balls are perfect for a 5-minute active break. This could be jumping on the ball, moving forward and backward, making belly bends, or doing a little competition about who can keep the balance the longest. It is both fun and rewarding for the body to get the pulse going. Over time, we have had several school classes on balls. In each and every case, we have experienced that the children enjoy using the ball. They become very protective of them, making sure no one will steal them into another classroom.

We have balls in sizes suitable for children of all ages.